Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Can Pakistan fight Hybrid Wars without free media, vibrant civil society, control political environment?

Hassan Khan
Pakistan Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa has said that Pakistan is currently faced with an intensely fought hybrid war. The enemy has opened war against Pakistan from different fronts.
What is Hybrid War? Is Pakistan capable in the current situation to win this completed war?
This seems to be a big question agitating minds of Pakistani intelligentsia. 
Keeping in view the present state of Pakistani society and political dispensation, the answer seems to be a big No. The reasons are; hybrid wars could not be fought with conventional weapons or by the security establishment only.
This multi faceted challenge - where the enemy primarily used non conventional tools to weaken the state and its social fabrics - so the response shall also be multi faceted from all segments of society.
What is the state of Pakistani society? We see the divided Pakistani nation is badly exposed and the society is near to crumbling down. Economy on the continuous down slide.
The nation is divided. There exists extreme religious polarity. The society is divided on the bases of sects and schism. One sects is hell bent on killing members of the other sects calling them kafirs and non believers. No sects is ready to accept members of other sects as Muslims.
In the same fashion country is fast faced with ethnic hatred and mistrust.
Be it the Pakhtuns, Baloch, Sindis or Punjabis there is growing mistrust against each other. One ethnic community is accusing other for all the ills befallen on them.
Pakhtuns are feeling to be marginalized. The growing feelings among Pakhtuns diaspora are the state have been using them as fodders for wars, specially the war against militants, since long.
There seem to be some facts in the accusations.
Pakhtuns intelligentsia believed the sate during the last several decades used their territory as launching ground for all its dirty war gaming in neighboring Afghanistan. Militancy was promoted, militants groups formed and jihadist networks established. But once these networks and militants organizations turned into monsters challenging its motherly-institutions; the state start military operations against them. But in fact caused colossal losses to the people and society at large in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and formerly tribal areas.
Millions were displaced, homes were razed to grounds flaura and fauna destroyed. In the name of war against terror billions of dollars were brought to the country but not single penny used for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of tribal areas and Pakhtunkhwa.
Though the whole dirty exercise was done by the establishment and states security top bosses specially those having lusts and greed for powers. However, the establishment purposely, presented the Punjabi population as sand bags and easy target of growing hatred against the state and its institutions.
The Baloch are already marginalized. They believed rest of Pakistan has been intentionally keeping Baluchistan province under developed. Their resources are being devoured by others specially by the Punjab.
Likewise, another important arm of society, the free Media is under sever attack from the state and state institutions. Media persons are labeled as traitors, lifafa journalists or being sold out to various
The media persons who are not following the specific agenda of some powers or institutions or their narratives are sidelined and thrown out from their jobs. Others are getting threatened.
This is coupled with continuous targeting of the country political leadership. Since decades, the genuine political leaders are labeled as corrupt and inefficient and anti state. The society is in complete grip of fear and uncertainty. Who so ever is opposing the establishment or is myopic narratives is put behind the bars.
The culture of debate, discussion, discourse and study is gradually diminishing. Universities are turning out to be the factories producing domesticated human elements. Education is not existent everywhere. 
People have the growing perceptions that political leaders, media persons and civil society members of certain mindset are promoted and the other discouraged and thrown out of the line.
This is the state of affairs where the Pakistani nations is exposed to fight the hybrid wars as stated by the chief of army staff Gen Bajwa. But to fight a successful hybrid war one need a strong political culture, free media and vibrant civil society and strong educational institutions where real tolerant educated human beings are produced not robots.
Unfortunately, all arms of Pakistani nation and state are either not existent or being weaken to the level to put a genuine fight.
Here the dominate narratives are in total control, religious extremism is widespread. Political dissent is not tolerated. The mistrust among ethnicities is growing.
How can one successfully fight this complicated hybrid war without free media, strong political leadership and vibrant civil society.
It’s a big question. And those who are managing the affairs of the state – from behind the curtains- must realize gravity of the situation, otherwise, God forbid, we are heading towards a disastrous end.

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